Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Typeface vs. Font

For most people these days, the terms 'Font' and Typeface' are often used interchangeably.- Dave Sedgwick

Typeface vs. Font is a debate. When talking about typography, the terms Typeface and Font tend to get mixed up and used almost as if they are synonymous. Often, the two words are used interchangeable and is doesn't present as a problem. However, when analyzing the two on technical level, you will find that these terms have, in fact, distinct definitions. But, at the end of the day, one has to wonder if the distinction really matters today.

The main difference between 'typeface' and ' font' is that the former exists as part of the latter. 

A typeface(or type family) is the name of a specific collection of related fonts. Whereas, font refers to a particular weight, width, and style within that typeface.

We chose a typeface because of its common aesthetic qualities. Then we refine it down to a specific font by setting its properties such as weight, widths and etc.

For example 'Helvetica' would be the typeface chosen for a project, but the actual font in use might be Helvetica Regular 9 point.

The word 'font' is becoming more common over the years. The reason we focus on fonts today is largely as a result of desktop publishing and word processing applications, which have a 'Font' menu. When you click on it, you get a list of typefaces to hose from and from there you set the specifics of the font.

Currently, the distinction between these two terms is confusing, unnecessary and even a little bit old fashioned. However, it's important to mention that, in specific contexts, it can be critical. Knowing difference can play a significant role not just in the area of Type Design, but also in Product Design, product Engineering and even Web Design.

If you want to express yourself precisely it is important to distinguish between the two terms - Brini Fetz

It can help you to get specific when talking about a change in a particular font, without affecting the whole environment and display.

Reference :

- Rupali Thombare

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