Friday, 6 January 2017

APSC - My favourite school today

My actual journey of calligraphy started when I took admission in APSC....Achyut Palav School of Calligraphy. APSC is a venture which takes the mission started by Achyut Palav to propagate the art of calligraphy, step further. APSC offers variety of courses such as basic and advance level Roman as well as Devanagari and also specialized courses in other languages. 

Before joining the school, I was in love with the beauty of calligraphic letters and my only aim was to learn to write beautifully. But when I joined APSC, my experience was totally different than what i expected. Here I get to learn so many new things.Their first class of basic workshop starts from drawing a straight line. Drawing a straight vertical line - generally it looks very easy task, isn't it? But when actually we hold the calligraphy pen in a particular angle and try to draw the line, that time one realizes what actually one should learn for mastering in this art. Slowly slowly with the introduction of new curves, letters,sentences, spacing, student explore himself or herself more using continuous practice.Finally practice is the only key to success in this art.Guidance from well known calligrapher, Achyut Palav is the main attraction which is very important for students to achieve their goals in calligraphy. 

The environment in this school is quiet friendly.One best thing about the class is they give more importance to teaching this beautiful art with great interest than earning money.In every session, come to class, do the work, practice quietly and then leave...our sir not at all promote such working culture here. According to him, everyone coming to this institute should feel free to express and explore; should interact with others ; know each others work , their styles ; enjoy the atmosphere; read books available and explore themselves along with calligraphy.

The students coming to this school are not only from artistic background but also from so many other fields like commerce,software,law,engineering.Some see this art as a beautiful stress-buster which is true.My experience from this school is , I develop myself more after joining and practicing calligraphy. According to me , Calligraphy is an amazing tonic for increasing patience level and decreasing frustration level. After gaining basic knowledge , students starts exploring themselves with constant practice which results into many good calligraphers available around us today.Akshaya Thombre, a student of APSC whose solo exhibition was held in Nehru Center Art Gallery is a best example of this.

APSC not only started and working for weekend ,weekday basic and advance batches but also conducts various basic workshops, residential workshops like Aksharyadna ,calligraphy events such as callihunt or callifest. In short , APSC is an important part of the callighraphic movement-Urja whose main motto is to create awareness about calligraphy in every home of India.

- Rupali Thombare.

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